通过这些免费导游游览贝博体彩app | San Francisco Travel-贝博体彩
一群人, 包括一个坐轮椅的人, is seen from behind as they look at the 金门大桥 from the Marin Headlands.
You'll find some of the best views of the 金门大桥 from the Marin Headlands, just across t


Explore San Francisco with a trusted tour guide without breaking the bank. 这里是我们挑选的一些最好的免费导游.

If it’s your first time in San Francisco (or your first time in a long time), 找到你的方向是至关重要的. 这不仅仅是学习走哪条路 渔人码头 或者你是否更接近 任务 或 唐人街 (吃饭时的一个重大决定, for sure); it’s about understanding the quirks, 字符, 以及整个城市的氛围. There are many volunteers and non-profit groups that love to share their insights with visitors for free!




这个团队 免费顺丰游 consists of local volunteers that will take you on one of their four walks through the city: the daily 10 a.m. “原创自由SF之旅”和上午10:30.m. “免费顺丰游 en 西班牙语”; the “任务/卡斯特罗 Hidden Stories Free Walking Tour,每周四提供, 周五和周六下午2点.m.; 和 evening “Vice Tour”, which you can join Fridays at 6 p.m. The tours take about two to two-and-a-half hours and start at 联合广场 or 多洛雷斯教堂. Book in advance to ensure that your desired date is available and that the tour is happening as scheduled.


免费徒步游 partners with expert local guides to offer several daily tours in San Francisco, 包括“合一”, a five-hour walk that will take you to the city’s most famous sights. There is also a shorter, two-hour “Original San Francisco” tour that will take you to the cafés of 小意大利金融区 拥有现代化的摩天大楼. 其他旅游的重点是 朗伯德街, 渔人码头, 唐人街,和 卡斯特罗时间从一个半小时到三个小时不等. 并不是所有的旅游都定期提供, so be sure to book in advance to confirm your desired tour and date.


金门国家公园保护协会 包括免费活动,如公园管理员营火讲座 普雷西迪奥隧道顶部,每周五至周一下午4点.m. through Labor Day; and Fort Point History, 每天做几次15分钟的演讲, 星期五至星期日. 你也可以加入志愿者团队来维护 恶魔岛历史花园 星期三或星期四上午. In celebration of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area’s 50th Anniversary, 你也可以加入月报, 一小时的“总统:穿越时间的变化”之旅.


GuruWalk tours are led by gurus, “open-minded, attentive, fun people, with great knowledge of the city.他们提供“食物” & History Tour of San Francisco’s 唐人街” and a "Hidden Stairways of San Francisco” walk that are among their highest rated. 需要提前预订. 有些导游提供不同语言的旅游服务. 你应该能在一周的大部分时间里找到旅行.

Nya Cruz和朋友在唐人街看菜单


While a tour of this historic mansion on Franklin Street comes at a fee, the Haas-Lilienthal房子 提供免费的导游徒步游览 太平洋高地, highlighting the diversity of the architecture and culture of the neighborhood. 参观从下午12:30开始.m. on certain Sundays and cover approximately 15 blocks in 90 minutes. Comfortable walking shoes are recommended, as the tour includes moderate hills.

詹姆斯·R. 布朗宁联邦法院

这个国家历史地标位于第七街 SoMa is the headquarters for the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. 口头辩论听证会对公众开放,但是 詹姆斯·R. 布朗宁联邦法院 also offers free docent-led tours that include the old post office lobby and select courtrooms. No reservations are required for these one-hour tours taking place on certain Tuesdays at 1 p.m. Just look for the tour guide in the lobby after passing through the building’s security screening (don’t forget to bring your photo ID!).


What started in 1976 with librarian-led tours of City Hall has grown to an organization of more than 275 volunteer guides who offer more than 70 different tours. 从专注于贝博体彩app必需品的旅行中,比如 涂女士金门大桥, 到以音乐为中心的主题散步, 历史与建筑, 每个人每天都有旅游. 步行者在 贝博体彩app城市导游 should register in advance to receive tour details, but walk-ups are always welcome.



讲解员之一在 贝博体彩app市政厅 offer free tours of this historic landmark every Friday at 11 a.m. 和1p.m. The tours usually take about an hour and highlight the architecture and history of City Hall. You can call 415-554-6139 for a reservation or sign up in the lobby the day of the tour.


免费90分钟步行游览,由 芳草地社区福利区 包括隐藏的故事和现场表演. 当地的历史, 激进主义, and music are brought to life as actors portraying significant figures join your exploration of 这附近. 旅游 are scheduled just once a month on Fridays and start at 2 p.m.


卢卡斯Mittenentzwei is a digital project and content consultant. 原产于德国, 他自2010年以来一直住在加州, 好几年都把贝博体彩app当作自己的家. Lucas started in the hospitality industry before joining 访问加州 in its mission to inspire the world to visit the Golden State. 他对旅行体验的各个方面都充满热情, but trying new restaurants (or tried-and-true classics) is at the top of his list.